van Houten Uhren - Gregory van Houten

Trusted Seller
This dealer owns a store in which you may view their watches.
Number of recommendations from other Chrono24 dealers: 7
Watches sold with Buyer Protection: 863

5,0 out of 5 stars  |  Reviews: 691

Detailed explanation of ratings 

 5,0 Shipping
 5,0 Item description
 5,0 Communication
100% of buyers would recommend this dealer.

Here's what buyers are saying about this dealer

Older than 30 days

Order canceled

Review by ANTONIW R. from on 04. January 2021

Breitling ...


Buyer's comment:

Suite à une négociation, à accepté de me vendre une montre et malgré mon paiement dans les délais imparti, c'est rétracté en invoquant un retard de paiement ! En réalité il a vendu la montre à un autre client, certainement à un prix différent ! Il m'a proposé de trouver la même montre, j'ai accepté en indiquant que les conditions devait être similaire, depuis plus de nouvelle !

Dealer's comment:

Dear Sir, Thank you again for your inquiry and we are very sorry that it did not work out. We confirmed your order and reserved the watch for you but you did not pay. The watch was then been sold to another customer. Therefore, we don’t think your rating is appropriate. We still wish you a good New Year and perhaps we hear form you in the future. Bei Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit und gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With friendly regards Gregory