Consumer Information About the Ranking of Search Results

Organic Search Results

When a user performs a search on Chrono24, our search engine prioritizes relevant listings, both in terms of content and potential purchase experience. In order to determine relevance, the search terms entered are compared to listing titles and descriptions.

In a subsequent step, the selection of relevant listings is optimized based on the following qualitative factors:

  • Listing quality: Listings with high-quality descriptions and those with images are favored.
  • Item availability: Current availability impacts search result ranking.
  • Listing popularity: Listings with higher click rates are favored.
  • Seller quality: Seller quality is based on the following factors:
    • Reliability in responding to user requests
    • Reliability in processing orders
    • Timeliness of shipping orders
    • Rate of successful sales
    • Positive customer ratings

Listings from sellers who are using Chrono24 for the first time are given temporary priority and improved visibility. This applies both to listings from new professional dealers and private sellers.

In order to guarantee the greatest possible variety in the search results, we ensure that multiple relevant listings from the same seller are sufficiently mixed with listings from other sellers.

Changing the Sort Order

Platform users can change the sort order of search results to meet their needs by using the "Sort by" feature. The following sorting options are available:

  • Relevance (described above)
  • Price: low to high (listing price in ascending order is the most important factor)
  • Price: high to low (listing price in descending order is the most important factor)
  • Newest (newly listed items are favored)
  • Popularity (click rate is the most important factor)


In addition to the content and quality features mentioned above, ranking can be influenced by upgrades that are available for purchase. These temporarily improve the placement of individual listings.

Upgrades are available to both professional dealers and private sellers. With these, sellers can improve the placement of selected listings for a specified period of time and potentially for a specific country or region. These listings are distinguishable from the organic search results list by several visual features, including being marked with the word "TOP."

Sold by Chrono24

Listings from our partner companies are branded with the logo "Chrono24 Direct" and are clearly distinguishable from the organic search results.